WEST PAPUA - A total of 439 honorary workers from the West Papua Provincial Government have been appointed as state civil servants (ASN).

Acting (Pj) Governor of West Papua Paul Waterpauw detailed, of the 439 ASN 209 of them have the status of Government Employees with Work Agreements (P3K), and 230 others are implementing employees.

The implementing employees are required to complete a minimum education of Diploma Three (D3).

"We will facilitate 230 people to take D3 education by providing special guidance to educational institutions here (Manokwari). It doesn't need to take five years, just two years is enough to get a D3 degree," said Waterpauw in Manokwari, quoted from Antara, Monday 27 June.

The number of honorariums appointed as ASN comes from the total honorarium in West Papua as many as 1,283 people.

Paulus said that of that number, 73 temporary employees had been declared ineligible to be appointed as ASN.

There are several reasons so that they cannot be appointed as ASN, namely because they have died, have moved places of work and some are no longer honorary workers.

Paulus added that the appointment of honorary staff within the West Papua Provincial Government was in accordance with the decision of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform No. 222 of 2022.

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