JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) did not want to comment much on the statement by Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh or Yenny Wahid who said that the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid was issued by the Chairman of the PKB Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin through the Ancol Congress.

Deputy PKB Jazilul Fawaid assessed that the issue raised by Gus Dur's daughter was an incident of the past. So, according to him, the polemic that started with sarcasm between Yenny and Cak Imin does not need to be extended until it drags on.

"That's the past, you don't have to continue it," said Jazilul when confirmed, Monday, June 27.

Jazilul emphasized that the conflict between Yenny and Cak Imin would be resolved by itself. He emphasized that PKB is currently focusing on preparing for the future, especially since the 2024 General Election is about to begin.

"There's no need to discuss it, it will be finished by itself," said the man who is familiarly called Gus Jazil.

"We are focused on working towards the future," he added.

Previously, Yenny Wahid admitted that he wanted to straighten the history related to PKB. He said that the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid was issued by the Chairman of the PKB Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin through the Ancol Congress.

"I just want to straighten out the history where it is as if there was an attempt to erase the history of PKB, as if Gus Dur was still in PKB. Many people do not understand that Gus Dur, through the Ancol Congress, Gus Dur as the founder of PKB has been expelled from PKB," explained Yenny Wahid through a voice recording confirmed by his spokesman, Imron Rosyadi Hamid, Monday, June 27.

According to Yenny, from the incident of Gus Dur's expulsion from the PKB, there needs to be a political lesson for the community. Meanwhile, for Yenny, the history of Gus Dur's expulsion from the PKB seems non-existent.

"This history must be presented again in the public. What is the use? The point is to conduct political education so that in politics politicians prioritize moral ethics. There are ethics and there are morals, if the party founders are treated like that, of course we are worried what will happen later treat the people, listen to voices of aspirations, fight for their interests. I think that's what worries me," said Yenny.

"To straighten out the history that Gus Dur was issued by Cak Imin in 2008, it's now 18 years as if it never happened. I want to straighten that history," he added.

Not only Gus Dur, Yenny said that his father's close friend was also forced to leave the PKB. "PKB itself is currently being managed on a very paranoid basis, so there are a lot of senior PKB figures, don't talk about me, senior PKB figures who used to accompany Gus Dur, even became friends of Cak Imin himself, and were even expelled from the party. not only me," said Yenny.

Yenny also assessed that Cak Imin had 'locked PKB from within' for a senior PKB figure who was close to Gus Dur. Cak Imin's power in PKB was criticized by Yenny Wahid.

"It's like PKB is locked from within, all senior cadres don't come in, all of them. All the figures, Mr. Mahfud Md, Mr. Ali Masykur, there are so many figures who even moved some of them to other parties, but their hearts are still in PKB, that's all. locked from the inside," said Yenny.

"The reality is, I've been leading the party for 18 years, so yes, her power is absolute, so this is not something healthy anymore, but it's not healthy anymore," he said.

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