MAKASSAR - The call for a boycott of French products emerged after President Emmanuel Macron's statement linking Islam with terrorism.

The General Secretary of the MUI South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Muhammad Ghalib, said that careful consideration was needed about the call to boycott French products.

"We have to see how the pluses and minuses are, whether it doesn't affect us, if it doesn't have an impact on our society, especially companies in Indonesia, then it can't be one of the things we do a lot," said Ghalib when contacted by VOI, Friday, October 30th.

MUI South Sulawesi emphasized that he participated in condemning Macron's statement which he considered insulting Islam. But the South Sulawesi MUI hopes that Muslims will protest politely.

"Of course I, as Muslims, we must be offended by this statement, because I think it is natural. Even if Muslims criticize this statement because it shows that it can be said that there is humiliation of insulting Prophet Muhammad SAW that is very loved by Muslims and part of that faith, "he said.

Ghalib also invited the public to maintain harmony and tolerance between religious communities in Indonesia.

"Let's maintain cooperation in the midst of our diversity, especially between religious communities. This means that the events that occur at this time should not affect us in Indonesia. Let us continue to maintain harmony of tolerance for unity in Indonesia," said Ghalib.

Minister of Religion Criticizes Emmanuel Macron

Minister of Religion (Menag) Fachrul Razi criticized French President Emmanuel Macron's statement linking Islam with terrorism because this statement hurt the feelings of Muslims. Not only that, he also asked all parties to respect religious symbols that are considered sacred, including understanding the visualization of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Freedom of opinion or expression must not be carried out beyond limits or excess so that it injures the honor, sanctity, sacredness of values and symbols of any religion," said Fachrul in his written statement, Thursday, October 29.

He emphasized that insulting religious symbols is a crime. Thus, the perpetrators must be responsible for their actions in accordance with applicable regulations.

He also emphasized that Islam has never justified taking justice into its own hands, let alone committing murder. Islam, he said, is a religion that always upholds human values.

So, Fachrul appealed to Muslims in Indonesia not to be provoked into anarchist action. Islam does not condone vigilante action.

"The greatness of Islam cannot be upheld by violating human values. Show a firm attitude while still upholding the character of the religious community which rejects acts of violence," he said.

It is known that the Indonesian government officially protested the contents of the speech by French President Emmanuel Macron by summoning French Ambassador Oliver Chambard for questioning. The Indonesian government urged the French Government not to link Islam with acts of terrorism or extremism.

"The summoning of the Ambassador and the direct delivery of Indonesia's condemnation is an affirmation of Indonesia's position for the French to know," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah, Wednesday, October 28.

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