JAKARTA - The Declaration of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE) in Jambi was visited by police officers and asked for the event to be disbanded.

This happened when a senior WE, Rochmat Wahab, delivered his remarks and was seen in the video of the event which was conducted online.

This dissolution was confirmed by the US Jambi Executive Committee, Muhammad Usman.

"The police want to disperse the declaration," said Muhammad Usman when he was confirmed regarding the police suddenly entering the venue, Friday, October 30.

Initially Usman did not know the reason for the disbandment. "The police are currently on standby in front of the venue," he said.

Until finally he conveyed to the zoom meeting participants that the event would be closed, because there was a police force. "We are sorry that the situation is not conducive to asking for the event to be dissolved. So, we are sorry that we will disband the program," he said to the Zoom Meeting participants.

Then, he received an explanation from the police regarding this disbandment. The reason is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 because there are crowds.

Even so, recently the police still allowed the last event, namely tumpeng cutting, to be carried out. However, the police were on guard in front of the event location.

It is known, a number of actions of the US declaration were dismissed several times by the police. One of them was during the grand gathering of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE), which was held in Surabaya, East Java, on September 28.

At that time, the event was attended by the WE Presidium Gatot Nurmantyo, at Gedung Juang 45 Surabaya due to rejection from several elements of society.

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