SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was intercepted by dozens of children while attending the Pancasila Dance at the Central Java Cultural Park (TBJT) complex, Saturday, June 25 yesterday.

Just getting out of the car, the number one person in Central Java was immediately surrounded by children.

Ganjar's face was smiling. He then invited them to have a dialogue. One of the children even dared to practice a dance move in front of Ganjar. Of course, it received appreciation and applause from Ganjar.

Not only children, the governor's presence was also welcomed with a performance of the Gunungan Dance from the Greget Studio, Semarang City. Gunungan dance is an illustration of the importance of maintaining peace.

"This is exciting news. So, in Soekarno's Month, in Pancasila Month, I did it in Central Java for a whole month. There are activities in the government, as well as in the community," said Ganjar in an electronic message received, Jakarta, Sunday, June 26.

This time, the Pancasila Dance Title is part of a series of Soekarno Month Commemorations. Namely by displaying dance works from dance studios in Central Java.

"Yesterday there was a commemoration of Bung Karno with a prayer with Habib Sych. This is with the Education Office, we try to show our children, it turns out they dance great. And they didn't have to, they were happy. So, the talent is there," he explained.

On that occasion, Ganjar also said that he wanted the Central Java Cultural Park to become a center for the development of arts and culture.

“And I really hope that the studios can make good use of this. So I think the spaces here are being used constantly for rehearsals up to performances. If there is a modern dance, we welcome it too, not just traditional, he said.

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