JAMBI - A total of 457 hajj candidates from Jambi Province who are members of the Hang Nadim Batam 11 Embarkation Flying Group (Kloter) departed for Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, June 26.

Khairul Anam, a member of the Secretariat of the PPIH Embarkation Between Jambi, said the pilgrims from five districts/cities who were members of the group, namely Jambi City, Merangin Regency, Batanghari Regency, Muaro Jambi Regency and Bungo Regency.

From the City of Jambi as many as 190 people, Merangin Regency as many as 80 people, Batanghari Regency as many as 103 people, Muaro Jambi Regency 74 people, and Bungo Regency as many as 3 people and crew of 5 people.

"Batam Embarkation Cluster 11 originating from Jambi Province totaled 457 people," he said.

On the departure of JCH from Jambi to Batam, there was a delay in the plane carrying the congregation of groups of one to three.

"Our problem is that there is a delay due to operational reasons, the first plane carrying a group of 1,2,3 which should have been flown at eight in the morning to Batam, was only able to fly at 11.26. Thank God it arrived Batam at 12.06 WIB, and the congregation who had just arrived at Batam. Hang Nadim immediately boarded Saudi Airlines," said Khairul.

In today's departure group, Khairul mentioned that the oldest congregation is 64 years old and the youngest is 23 years old.

According to the departure schedule, JCH group 11 departs for Jeddah at 12:55 WIB and arrives in Jeddah at 18:05 WAS.

So far, as many as 910 Hajj candidates from Jambi have departed for the Holy Land, and there is only one JCH group from Jambi which will depart on 27 June 2022.

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