SURABAYA - Lion Air flight JT-697 returned to Surabaya Juanda International Airport after flying to Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Jakarta.

"The information is that there is trouble so we have to return to base (RTB)," said Public Relations of PT Angkasa Pura 1 Juanda Surabaya, Yuristo Ardi Hanggoro, confirmed, Friday, June 24.

Yuris said the Lion Air flight departed from Surabaya International Airport for Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Jakarta, at 12:37 WIB, Friday, June 24. However, the plane carrying 178 passengers landed again at Juanda Airport at 13.08 WIB.

However, Yuris did not explain in detail about the technical problems on the plane. Meanwhile, the passengers will be flown back with a replacement aircraft.

"Now the passengers are in the process of boarding again, using a replacement plane for JT-890," he said.

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