JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesian Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, assessed that student demonstrations with the workers' alliance that have been frequently held in recent times should not be questioned. According to him, students took to the streets because they felt uneasy about the passage of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

This was conveyed by Ujang in response to the statement made by the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, who questioned the contribution of young people to the nation, who recently often participated in carrying out demonstrations.

"Students are taking action because they are restless and nervous over the passage of the Job Creation Law. The demonstration is not to be questioned, directed, or even on the side," said Ujang to VOI, Thursday, October 29.

Instead of questioning the contribution of young people, he considered, the government should listen to the aspirations of students who recently demanded that the Job Creation Law be repealed. In addition, these students should also be protected because they have shown evidence that they care about the fate of their own country.

"The young people who are demonstrating are because they care about the fate of their own nation. When their nation is not feeling well, it is only natural that they are the ones who remind this nation to be back on the track," he said.

Previously, during an online inauguration ceremony for his party, Megawati Soekarnoputri touched on the problem of demonstrations that have occurred frequently recently. He even questioned the role of the millennial generation or young people for the nation and state.

"Our young people, oh my, I said to the President, don't be spoiled, it is said that our generation is the millennial generation," said the 5th President of Indonesia.

"I want to ask, what is the contribution of the millennial generation today. What is your contribution to this nation and country? Really, just a demonstration," he added.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia also mentioned a demonstration which ended in chaos on 8 October. It is known that during the action, a number of public facilities were damaged by groups of rioters who joined the student group's demonstrators.

According to him, this action is very unfortunate because the state budget spent to build a Transjakarta bus stop is not small.

"Masya Allah, take the trouble to burn the Transjakarta bus stop, it's your money! You don't want to be arrested, what do I do. I think it's really funny that the republic of Indonesia is now," he said.

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