JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI DPR Hendrawan Supratikno assessed that the government does not want many workers to accept the termination of employment (PHK) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

He responded to the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah, who issued a circular regulating the determination of the 2021 minimum wage during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The circular stated that the governor was asked to adjust the determination of the 2021 minimum wage to the 2020 minimum wage. This means that the government does not raise the minimum wage.

Hendrawan Supratikno said that the government is currently facing a difficult position due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Because according to Hendrawan, on the one hand, companies are advised not to terminate their employees. But on the one hand the economy is currently being affected by this pandemic.

"Yes, it is a very dilemma in the current condition of difficulties due to the recession. So in conditions like this it is the main priority for companies not to lay off," said Hendrawan.

A politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) said that if people demand an increase in wages, that would be very unwise. Because the economy is currently being affected as well as companies.

"In this condition, if there is an increase in wages it is very hitting. Because economic growth is also minus," he said.

Therefore, the middle way taken by the government is not to increase the 2021 minimum wage. This also simultaneously maintains the company's capabilities in the midst of this COVID-19 virus pandemic.

"That is why we consider this as a middle way. From the employers' side, they also refrain from laying off employees, from the employee side also refrain from demanding to raise (salaries) because this is experiencing difficulties," he said.

So that the steps taken by the government are a profitable middle way between companies and employees. Because currently many companies are affected and some even lay off their employees.

"Yes, that means it is considered that at this time difficult conditions like this are considered a solitive recipe, a win-win solution," he said.

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