JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, asked all parties not to worry about the sustainability of the Nusantara IKN development after the change of president. Puan stated that Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning IKN has emphasized that the construction of the new state capital must be carried out until 2045.

"The IKN Law has been passed in the DPR. This means that there are legal guidelines (the future president) must continue or continue IKN in the future," said Puan while accompanying President Jokowi to review the construction of the National Capital (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan, Wednesday, June 22. .

Jokowi's working visit with Puan also invited a number of chief editors (Pemred) of the national mass media. In addition, several ministers also accompanied the Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono and Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya.

The IKN Law also stipulates that the construction of the new national capital will be carried out on a multi-year basis because it is predicted that the mega-project will take 23 years. Puan said that the issue of the Nusantara IKN development budget had been carefully prepared.

"The budget has been prepared in the APBN that this activity will be carried out for multi-years. So the DPR has coordinated through the Budget Agency with the Ministry of Finance so that later it can be realized," continued Puan in her written statement.

"So that when there is a change in the presidency, God willing, IKN can still run while waiting for the president to be inaugurated," added Puan.

President Jokowi and Chairman of the House of Representatives Puan Maharani (Photo: BPMI Setpres/Laily Rachev)

According to the former Coordinating Minister for PMK, the Government's vision for the development of the Nusantara IKN is clear. Puan emphasized that the Indonesian House of Representatives is committed to supporting the vision of building a new nation's capital city.

"Earlier, the President said that God willing, by 2024, the core area of IKN Nusantara will be completed," he explained.

Puan promised to continue to oversee the construction of the Nusantara IKN as a form of oversight by the DPR. He also stated that he would periodically come to IKN Nusantara to check on development progress.

"Because it is the state budget that will finance the development of the IKN core area, as representatives of the people we have an obligation to guard it," said Puan.

“And we believe this is not just a project of imagination but a project of equity in Indonesia. So that development is not only in Java, but also in Kalimantan," continued the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia Bung Karno.

Puan reiterated that the IKN Law has regulated the construction of the new state capital to be carried out continuously so that it must be completed in accordance with the specified time.

"I hope that after 2024 there will be no emergency or disasters like the past, the Covid-19 pandemic, so that everything can go according to what we expect," said Puan.

During today's visit, Puan and Jokowi reviewed the construction of the Mentawir Nursery. At this location, tree seedlings were planted which were used to rehabilitate lands in the IKN area.

Puan and Jokowi also reviewed the development of the Sepaku Semoi Dam, which will support raw water needs and flood control in the IKN area. The working visit also reviewed the development at the zero point of IKN Nusantara.

At every opportunity, Puan has always been by Jokowi's side. Even on the way to the review points, Puan was in the same car with the president.

Puan and Jokowi's closeness got the attention of the editors of the mass media who participated in the visit to IKN. Arief Suditomo when interviewing Puan, asked if this was a signal of Jokowi's support for the 2024 presidential election.

“President Jokowi invited the chairman of the DPR to tour IKN alone. Is this a sign or a way for Pak Jokowi to endorse Mba Puan as a presidential candidate?” asked Arif.

Puan smiled at Arief's question. He only answered briefly.

"Isn't it there? Isn't it there?" answered Mrs. meaningfully.

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