JAKARTA - BCP, a grade 2 SMK student who was a victim of sexual harassment at the Rajawali Station and the commuter line Electric Rail Train (KRL) has yet to make a police report at the East Jakarta Metro Police for the sexual harassment case that happened to her.

"The victim did not report (to the police)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Ahsanul Muqaffi to reporters, Wednesday, June 22.

The reason the victim did not make an official police report was because she lived far away.

"From the examination, the victim's parents, namely the parents of BCP (victim) made a statement which basically stated that related to this case, they did not want the case to be continued on the grounds that their house was far away," said Kasat.

Furthermore, East Jakarta Metro Police investigators returned BCP victims to their parents.

"It ended as a family," he said.

The perpetrator with the initials AS is known to be from West Java. The perpetrators have tattoos on their right and left arms with batik motifs.

"From the examination of the members (the perpetrators) have not (never been arrested in a similar case). The perpetrator has made a statement that he will not repeat it. The perpetrator has been released (not detained)," he said.

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