PASER - The Plantation and Livestock Service (Disbunak) of Paser Regency, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), canceled the procurement of Bali cattle and goats to anticipate the spread of Mouth and Nail Diseases (FMD) in the area.

"The procurement has been postponed to anticipate PMK," said Head of Paser Disbunak Djoko Bawono in Tanah Grogot, East Kalimantan, Wednesday, June 13.

According to him, his party will have difficulty overcoming the spread of PMK if they have to force the procurement of the livestock.

"We are trying to prevent its spread like the team at the border did," he said.

As is known, the Paser Regional Government this year has allocated a budget of Rp. 4.7 billion for the procurement of Bali cattle and goats.

"The budget comes from the Paser Regency APBD in 2022," he said.

The plan, continued Djoko, is that the Paser Disbunak will procure 404 Bali cattle destined for 19 farmer groups spread across six sub-districts.

The farmer groups that received the assistance came from the sub-districts of Pasir Belengkong, Kuaro, Batu Sopang, Muara Samu, Long Ikis, and Long Kali.

He continued, besides that, Paser Disbunak also plans to procure 140 goat breeds worth more than IDR 579 million.

"The plan is to distribute it in three sub-districts, namely Tanah Grogot, Pasir Belengkong, and Muara Komam," said Djoko.

Disbunak Paser continues to monitor the distribution of livestock at two border points, namely in Muara Komam and Baru Engau sub-districts in order to anticipate the entry of PMK.

"Monitors and inspections work closely with the Police," he concluded.

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