SERANG – SA (39), a fish farmer in Pontang sub-district, Serang district, was arrested at the Serang Police for the sale of shabu-shabu.

SA was arrested based on public information related to the rampant drug trafficking in Pontang District, Serang Regency.

"The perpetrator was caught at his house in Pontang sub-district, Serang district," said Head of the Narcotics Unit Iptu Michael K Tandayu in a written statement, Tuesday, June 21.

Michael said that his party managed to confiscate 6 packages of methamphetamine hidden in a bag in the room.

"During the search, officers found 6 packages of methamphetamine hidden in a bag in the suspect's room," said Michael.

On the same occasion, Serang Police Chief AKBP Yudha said that he would follow up on any reports received from the public and would take firm action against drug abusers, even if they were only users.

"According to the leadership's orders, there should be no room for drug dealers or users. Therefore, I hope that synergy must continue to be improved so that hopes of being free from drugs can be achieved," he said.

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