JAKARTA - The National Police stated that the formation of a research team that will verify the results of the trial decision of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) AKBP Raden Brotoseno is in progress. So far, it has entered the administrative submission stage.

"The process is in the process of submitting the administration. The administration is being proposed by the Chief of Police," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, to reporters, Tuesday, June 21.

If the administrative process has been completed and an official research team has been formed, continued Dedi, the team will start working.

The team, which consists of Irwasum Polri, Polri HR Bureau, Divpropam and Divkum Polri, will verify the results of the trial decision which was issued in 2020.

"From the audit results, follow-up will be submitted and recommendations will be submitted to the National Police Chief," he said.

"So that the National Police Chief will decide later, correcting the decisions that have been made in the past from various perspectives," continued Dedi.

Apart from the process of forming the research team, Dedi emphasized that the current steps are a form of firmness from the Bhayangkara Corps. The goal is to make the Police better.

"What is clear is the commitment of the Deputy Chief of Police, the National Police Chief will take very firm action in improving the police in the future," said Dedi.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo would form a code of ethics commission team related to the review (PK) of the results of the National Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) AKBP Raden Brotoseno.

The formation of this team is also a follow-up to the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission which has been officially promulgated.

"Mr. National Police for the establishment of a review code of ethics commission, this will be formed a review code of ethics commission," said the Head of the National Police Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

This team will consist of Irwasum Polri, Kadiv Propam, As HR Polri, and Kadivkum Polri. However, this code of ethics commission team will only be formed after the research team finds there are things that need to be followed up by the National Police Chief.

The research process, said Sambo, took about two weeks. The research team consists of Irwasum Polri, Polri HR Bureau, Divpropam and Divkum Polri

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