LEBAK - The Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP2KBP3A) Lebak Regency, stated that the lack of clean water facilities and latrines in the area could lead to stunting. Head of Population Control and Family Planning at DP2KBP3A Lebak Regency, Hj Tuti Nurasiah in Lebak, Banten, quoted from Antara, Monday, June 29. Stunting management certainly involves various sectors, so that together they are able to control it. feasible, because there is no supply of clean water. They prefer river and well water because it is not touched by the local PDAM network infrastructure. Likewise, there are still many residents who still defecate indiscriminately and do not have proper and healthy latrines.

Thus, in such a condition, the Department of Public Works and Public Housing (DPUPR) as well as the local Land and Settlement Service (Disperkim) must allocate the construction of clean water supply infrastructure as well as latrines. latrines occupy uninhabitable houses. "We believe that if the uninhabitable houses (RTLH) are built and clean water and sanitation facilities are met, proper and healthy latrines will certainly be able to overcome stunting," he explained. According to him, the local government recorded as many as 126,800 families (KK) are in the stunting-prone category, so assistance is needed so as not to give birth to stunting children. The stunting-prone families are indicators of fertile age couples (PUS) who have many children, birth close distances, marry young, do not have children. sources of clean water also have no economic income and houses do not have latrines Therefore, his party asked all agencies, stakeholders and related elements of society to work together to deal with stunting. "We can succeed in reducing the prevalence of stunting cases by 14 percent until 2024," he said. Since the last three years (2019-2021) under the leadership of the Regent Iti Octavia, he has rehabilitated 1,998 RTLH units. People who receive stimulant funds for RTLH rehabilitation of Rp. 15 million per unit. stunting cases, because clean water facilities and proper latrines are also built," he concluded.

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