JAKARTA - The Democrat Party politician Cipta Panca Laksana was furious with PSI spokesman Sigit Widodo's tweet saying that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had a track record of intolerance since 2017.

According to Panca, Sigit's position in the party should be carried out with a mandate so that it does not become awkward or sound in words or actions. He said that Sigit's words could be included in the complaint against Article 310 of the Criminal Code.

"So the spokesperson must be careful" with the legal consequences of his statement. Saying Mr. Anies is intolerant can be considered defamation," said Panca through his Twitter account, @panca66, Monday 20 June.

Panca reminded the subordinates of PSI General Chair Giring Ganesha not to be lulled by the current status of his party in the government seat so they can say whatever they want.

"Too sure about the status as the ruling party?" said Panca.

As is known, PSI Spokesperson Sigit Widodo said Anies has been an intolerant person since running for governor of DKI in the 2017 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

Sigit claimed that Anies' intolerant actions were true. Those who want to prove their point in accessing or searching for it digitally.

"Just to remind Nasdem friends, traces of Mr. @aniesbaswedan's intolerance are still scattered and very easy to find, especially related to the 2017 DKI Pilkada," said Sigid on his Twitter account, @sigitwid.

Sigit said this was to refute NasDem's rejection of PSI's accusation that Anies was intolerant and suspected of being corrupt. The accusation is an assertion that PSI does not support Anies as a presidential candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election.

NasDem is known to have recently announced three candidates for the test. Anies is on the radar of a presidential candidate from the party led by Surya Paloh, along with two other candidates, Ganjar Pranowo and TNI General Andika Perkasa.

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