BALIKPAPAN - Chairman of the Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto directly led the declaration of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) on the island of Borneo, Friday (17/6/2022) night.

This declaration was held in conjunction with the technical coordination meeting (rakornis) of the Golkar Party at the Balikpapan Sport and Convention Center (BSCC) Dome.

In his speech, Airlangga instructed all party cadres who are members of KIB to support the successful development of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN).

He emphasized that it is mandatory for Golkar cadres, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the United Development Party (PPP) to support IKN development in East Kalimantan.

This is because the IKN development regulations have been ratified into the IKN Law.

"It is obligatory for the Golkar Party along with other parties to support and succeed in this policy program, as well as support from PAN and PPP because they are already in KIB," Airlangga said in his speech to the National Coordination Meeting on the winning of the Golkar election throughout Kalimantan, Friday (17/6/). 2022).

The chairman of Golkar said he would also directly observe the zero point of the IKN in Penajam Paser Utara, where the new state capital will be built.

"I instruct all ranks of the Golkar Party throughout Indonesia, especially in Kalimantan to facilitate and support the development of IKN in East Kalimantan," he said.

Airlangga, who is also the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, emphasized that the success of the IKN development was an opportunity for parties bearing the banyan tree to gain votes in the 2024 General Election.

Golkar is targeting a 20 percent victory for the legislative elections and 60 percent of the regional head elections in 2024.

Airlangga reminded all Golkar cadres and other KIB members to start working as a way to win in the 2024 General Election.

"We are working from today until the 2024 General Election, we have to do a gas poll, we don't need to look in the rearview mirror. We'll just look ahead, what we will build is the future, and the future is when the Golkar Party wins the 2024 General Election," he stressed.

In addition to the success of the IKN development, Golkar cadres and other KIB parties can also promote the success of the Pre-Employment Card program to the community.

According to him, the Pre-Employment Card is one of the keys to the success of KIB in the upcoming 2024 Election.

This is because this program was initiated by Golkar cadres and received a positive response from various parties, including President Joko Widodo.

"The Pre-Employment Card is one of the programs that has received high appreciation from President Jokowi, so Golkar Party cadres must promote this pro-people policy," he said.

The chairman of the DPD of the East Kalimantan Golkar Party, Rudy Mas'ud, emphasized that he was ready to welcome the order of the Golkar chairman to win the 2024 election.

He admitted that East Kalimantan's Golkar is ready to yellow its territory and fight for Airlangga Hartarto as President in the 2024 presidential election.

Moreover, KIB was built with the spirit to improve the condition of the people who have been polarized since the 2014 presidential election.

"The United Indonesia Coalition is the right solution that we can offer to the community. Of course also with the real work of the Golkar Party for Indonesia. Golkar wins, Mr. Airlangga President," said Rudy.

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