JAKARTA - The police have named the Honda Jazz driver, IAR (34) as a suspect in the fatal accident that killed a five-year-old boy, AAR on Jalan Pancoran Timur, South Jakarta.

The Head of Traffic for the South Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Sigit, said that AAR's status was increased from witness to suspect after his party held a case.

"He has been named a suspect," said Sigit via text message, Friday, June 17.

Sigit said that the Honda Jazz driver was charged with Article 310 paragraph 4 and 3 of the RI Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Transport Traffic (LLAJ). Now he has been detained.

"He's been arrested," he concluded.

Previously, a girl with the initials AAR (5) died after being hit by a Honda Jazz on Jalan Kali Bata Timur, Pancoran, South Jakarta, Tuesday, June 14, at 19.30 WIB.

"Yes, it's true that the victim (AAR) finally died. The driver's initials IAR (34." said Head of Traffic and Traffic Unit of South Jakarta Metro Police AKP Sigit when confirmed, Wednesday, June 15.

Sigit explained that the incident began when the car driver was traveling from east to west. However, at the crime scene (TKP) IAR hit a vario motorbike driven by MR riding with AAR.

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