TANGERANG - The Air Quality Data Institute (IQ Air) places Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Banten, in the top position in Indonesia with the worst air quality index.

From the data displayed on the official website of IQ Air in Tangerang, Friday, June 17 afternoon, the air quality in Pasar Kemis, up to 13.04 WIB, reached an index of 164.

The air quality based on United States standards (AQ US) classifies an index of 151 to 200 as the category of unhealthy air. With a concentration of particulate matter (PM) 2.5 reaching 14.6 times above the standards of the World Health Organization or WHO.

PM 2.5 is the smallest air pollutant and harmful to health.

The IQ Air Institute also advised local people to wear masks, close the windows and avoid outdoor activities.

Responding to this, Head of the Environmental and Hygiene Service (DLHK) Tangerang Regency Achmad Taufik said that so far his party had made various efforts to reduce air pollution.

One of them is maintaining the function of environmental sustainability so that it is greener, cool, and shady by planning the development of green open spaces (RTH) in each area of Pasar Kemis District.

"Because Pasar Kemis is one of the industrial areas in Tangerang Regency, the air quality level is very low," he said as quoted by Antara.

He revealed that periodic air quality monitoring has also been carried out. As well as ambient air testing with the passive sample method in 4 settings (traffic, industrial areas, settlements, and offices).

"We plan to also install tools to measure quality," said Achmad.

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