JAKARTA - It is a fact that Indonesia is a multi-ethnic and cultural country. Cultural and culinary diversity will undoubtedly occur and can be seen from each of the existing ethnic groups. Including the culinary variations that were created, such as rendang Padang made from pork created by Babiambo restaurant, then a shop appeared that served Acehnese uduk rice with pork.

Therefore, said Syaifuddin, Chairman of the Central Jakarta PCNU and Executive Director of the Jakarta Study Committee (KKJ), unity and sovereignty must be maintained. "We were born and raised in a multi-ethnic and multi-racial Indonesian country, coincidentally the majority are Muslims. But even though there are minorities, they must be protected and respected," he told VOI via Zoom Thursday, June 16.

Cross culture with one another is common. Even collaboration between one culture and another can produce a new, different culture. And that is a potential new force.

Diversity, said the man who is usually called Gus Syaifuddin, should be the glue between people. "Diversity is actually potential, and it must be utilized and optimized by all of us. Don't make the difference between us seeds to be hostile to one another," he said.

Regarding culinary matters, said Gus Syaifuddin, as long as the sellers are honest in creating food and also displaying their promotions, there is no need to argue. "If the food seller has included non-halal writing on the packaging of the food he offers, I think it's clear enough. What's the question again," he said, restoratively.

Muslims, he continued, there are already guidelines in terms of food. There are several types of food such as pork, dogs and so on that are not halal to consume. "It is clearly stated in the Koran about what foods should not be eaten," he explained.

Indeed, continued the man who is close to Gus Dur's family, there are parties who take advantage of this issue for political purposes. "There are indeed those who are quoted 'frying' this issue for political purposes. But we also have to be objective and not just make accusations. We have to be wise in our attitude," he said.

Therefore, responding to the excitement after the viral rendang Padang, created by Babiambo restaurant with pork rendang creations and also Acehnese uduk rice with pork, said Gus Syaifuddin, the ummah must respond intelligently. Don't be provoked by people who want to use this issue for momentary political ends.

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