SURAKARTA - The Surakarta City Health Office (DKK) emphasizes that the prevention of COVID-19 is primarily to prevent an increase in cases, as in other countries, starting from upstream handling. The main thing is to maintain personal hygiene and discipline health protocols (prokes).

"The handling of COVID-19 varies, apart from treatment and education, the most important thing is the upstream, starting with cleanliness. The hospital is the last one," said Head of Surakarta DKK Siti Wahyuningsih in Solo, Wednesday 15 June.

Including COVID-19 vaccination, he continued, is an important part in efforts to fortify oneself from COVID-19.

"Some time ago there was a death of a 44-year-old COVID-19 patient, he had no comorbidities, but apparently he hasn't been vaccinated. So it's actually very dangerous, we don't know what kind of physical condition we are in. Therefore, the effort is to fortify ourselves, one of which is by vaccination, even if you get a vaccine, it will be lighter," he said.

He said, until now the achievement of booster vaccination in Solo City is still in the range of 56.1 percent. To ensure that immunity in the community is formed better, his party targets the achievement of booster vaccination to reach 70 percent.

"I'm still chasing a minimum of 70 percent, I want it to be fast because the vaccine is ready, health workers are ready. Come on, the community, because this is what benefits the community, with them being protected, the possibility of being exposed to COVID-19 is low. Especially now that a new variant has entered," he said. .

DKK Surakarta in dealing with COVID-19 also collaborates with stakeholders including the role of the private sector. DKK Surakarta is open to cooperation, such as today's activity which was initiated by the private sector. Siti also appreciated the activity.

"The cleaning equipment will be handed over to the health workers at the Puskesmas," he said.

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