JAKARTA - The National Police noted that 42,699 two- and four-wheeled vehicles were prosecuted for two days of implementing the 2022 Compliance Operation. The types of violations ranged from not using the standard and safety belt.

"The number of prosecutions for traffic violations is 42,699," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko to reporters, Wednesday, June 15.

The amount was obtained from electronic prosecution and reprimands. The details are 9,421 E-TLE prosecutions and 33,278 reprimands.

Then, from the enforcement data, there are types of violations that are mostly committed by motorists. For two wheels, at most do not use a helmet according to standards.

Meanwhile, for four-wheeled vehicles, most of them violate safety rules by not using a safety belt.

"Motorcycles or R2 as many as 5 violations, namely the use of helmets that are not in accordance with SNI. Then the second is cars or special vehicles as many as 15 violations, namely the use of safety belts," said Gatot.

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For information, Operation Obedient will be held for two weeks or starting from June 13 to 26 throughout Indonesia.

In this operation, there were 8 focus violations, including the use of cellphones while driving, underage drivers, motorbikes riding in the car with more than 1 person. Then wearing an SNI helmet, not using a safety belt, driving under the influence of alcohol, going against the current, and exceeding the speed limit.

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