JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) will prioritize the principle of respecting and respecting human rights (HAM) in implementing the NAP PE in the country. the community," said BNPT Deputy for International Cooperation Andhika Chrisnayudhanto in a written statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 15. The national action plan for the prevention and control of violent extremism leading to terrorism (RAN PE) is a series of activities carried out systematically and planned to prevent and tackle violent-based extremism. RAN PE, he said, was carried out by cooperating with various parties to collaborate, including civil society organizations. The collaboration will be included in the Thematic Working Group (Pokja) under the coordination of the RAN PE Joint Secretariat. Because, the end of the base that will be resisted is the act of terrorism because it is a form of human rights violation.

The presence of elements representing civil society in the Thematic Working Groups is expected to contribute to the prevention of terrorism problems in the country, including coordinating input of ideas, suggestions and monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of RAN PE. These principles are the enforcement of human rights, the rule of law and justice, gender mainstreaming and the fulfillment of children's rights, security and safety, good governance, participation and multiple stakeholders as well as diversity and local wisdom. achievement of the RAN PE program. Including the pillar of prevention which includes preparedness, counter radicalization and deradicalization. "The program implementation will certainly take into account the elements of open and democratic participation in accordance with human rights," he said.

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