JAKARTA - Since the 1970s, Jalan H. Agus Salim, which is better known as Jalan Sabang, has become the hangout center for children in Jakarta. A strategic location in the city center makes culinary entrepreneurs last for a long time to set up a business there.

However, nowadays entrepreneurs who are struggling with the Sabang Street Entrepreneurs Association (PPS) are troubled by the revitalization and arrangement plans for Jalan Sabang, Central Jakarta.

Today, a number of PPS representatives complained to the DKI DPRD. They met with Deputy Chairman of DKI Jakarta DPRD Zita Anjani, Chairman of Commission B DPRD DKI Abdul Azis, Member of Commission B DPRD DKI Farazandi Fidinansyah, Member of Commission C DPRD DKI Cinta Mega, and Member of Commission E DPRD DKI Wa Ode Herlina. From the ranks of the provincial government, there was Deputy Mayor of Central Jakarta, Irwandi.

To the DPRD members, they voiced uneasiness which began when they received an invitation to socialize the arrangement of the Jalan Sabang area with a tight time.

This plan has been carried out by the Musrembang in 2018, the revitalization tender process has been agreed upon in 2019. However, they only found out that there was a revitalization plan when the invitation for socialization was received last September.

"The socialization will be on December 19, while invitations from the Kelurahan were submitted on December 18. The time is very tight. From the association, only a few accept the invitation, most of them come as street vendors," said PPS Chairman Ganefo Dewi Sutan at the DPRD DKI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday. , January 15th.

A number of PPS representatives complained about the revitalization plan for Jalan Sabang (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

This has led to allegations of non-transparent planning. "The Central Jakarta City Government is not transparent!"

In the future arrangement of Jalan Sabang, the DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Agency will widen the sidewalks along the road using this one-way system. Then, the parking system is made parallel on the left side of Jalan Sabang. Meanwhile, the right side will be designated as PKL land.

What is most troubling for PPS is the facilitation of street vendors on Jalan Sabang. That way, the restaurant entrepreneur on Jalan Sabang could suffer losses of up to 30 percent because the parking lot he owned was later eroded by street vendors.

"The current condition makes us lose money, especially when there are street vendors along our shop," said Dewi.

Therefore, Jalan Sabang entrepreneurs ask DPRD members to take action in all forms of law, especially in the budget oversight function if the arrangement is detrimental to a number of parties.

Continuing, Deputy Chairperson of DKI DPRD Zita Anjani asked the Central Jakarta City Government to pay attention to the input and complaints of the Jalan Sabang entrepreneurs.

Jalan Sabang (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

"Pak representatives are important to be assisted because they pay taxes. Please pay attention to the arrangement. They are from 1958. Please arrange street vendors so that motorbike parking is not covered," said Zita.

Responding, the Deputy Mayor of Central Jakarta, Irwandi, explained that the general description of the arrangement of Jalan Sabang will be returned to like a hangout place in the 70s. Not only will it become a culinary center, the area will also be a tourist attraction where residents gather.

Irwandi said that this arrangement was only a plan that had not been wrapped up. The project tender is still in the form of a concept that can be improved according to input from residents and entrepreneurs there.

"I am from the 70s, when I was in junior high school, I was hanging out in Sabang. I want to say that the provincial government wants the economy to revive, not destroy it. Our goal is to restore the glory of Sabang," said Irwandi.

"Thank you for your input. We (DKI Pemprov have also not moved (doing the structuring work). This is just a miscommunication, we will fix it again," he continued.

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