SURABAYA - The senior figure of the PDI Perjuangan in Surabaya, Mat Mochtar, suddenly went viral. This is because Mat Mochtar has openly stated his support for the pair of candidates for mayor and deputy mayor of Surabaya, Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman.
In fact, PDIP is the party that carries the number one Surabaya Pilkada candidate pair Eri Cahyadi-Armuji. It is none other than the rival of Machfud-Mujiaman which is promoted by nine political parties, NasDem, Democrat, Golkar, PPP, PAN, PKB, PKS, Gerindra, and Hanura.
"How could I not, the person I was waiting for didn't come to the house. This is actually another candidate (who came)," Mochtar said, confirmed, Sunday, October 25.
In the 3 minutes 11 seconds video, Machfud is seen talking with Mat Mochtar at his residence. Machfud's arrival wanted to get along and ask for input from the senior PDIP figure.
Mochtar stated firmly that he did not support the candidates who were nominated by PDIP in the 2020 Pilwali. He admitted that he was at odds with the PDIP champion, namely Eri-Armudji. Even though he supported other candidates, Mochtar stated that he would still not leave the party that had overseen him for a long time.
Mochtar supports the Machfud-Mujiaman candidate pair not without reason. He admitted that he was disappointed with the candidate pair Eri Cahyadi-Armudji. How could he not, when Mochtar experienced an accident when his younger brother died, candidate pair Eri-Armudji never came to his house.
"In fact, another candidate came from Pak Machfud Arifin," he explained.
In addition, Mochtar admitted that he was disappointed with the record that was handed down by the PDIP DPP carrying the candidate pair Eri-Armudji. Because Eri is not a party cadre, and only a bureaucrat from the Surabaya City Government.
Mochtar then mentioned the name Whisnu Sakti, who was considered to have been removed. Even though Whisnu is a true PDIP cadre.
"He is the son of Pak Tjip, PDI Promega at that time who raised the party," he explained.
Mochtar also mentioned that the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, was thought to have forgotten peanuts on the skin. For that reason, Mochtar invited the ranks to be hurt against the candidate Risma wanted to continue his leadership.
"Mrs. Risma became two terms, who supported first? Even though at the beginning, Mrs. Risma was not supported by PAC PDIP who supported Shaleh Mukaddar," he explained.
Asked about Machfud Arifin, Mochtar answered through the figure of Kiai Ali Badri, who is an advisor to the Madura Family Association (Ikamra).
"I am at Ikamra as deputy chairman. Meanwhile, Ikamra has unanimously expressed support for Machfud Arifin," he said.
Mochtar also added about the vision and mission of candidates from PDIP who are currently considered less creative. "Create your own program, don't just continue your kindness. Lha wong Bung Karno, I just entrust this nation, I don't carry on the language," said Mochtar.
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