BANJARMASIN - The Banjarmasin Police in South Kalimantan managed to uncover a new mode of drug trafficking by inserting crystal methamphetamine in electronic goods during transactions.

"So for every transaction, the suspect with the initials EW slips drugs into electronic items that are handed over to couriers or buyers," said Banjarmasin Police Chief Kombes Sabana A Martosumito in Banjarmasin, Antara, Monday, June 13.

When arrested on Jalan Kenari, South Banjarmasin District last Wednesday, EW brought a fan with a packet of crystal methamphetamine in it.

Then the results of the team development led by the Head of the Banjarmasin Narcotics Investigation Unit, Marshal Commissioner Suryo Kartiko, a total of 20 methamphetamine packages of various sizes were found with a total weight of 180.56 grams.

Martosumito stated, various modes are often used by the dealer network to trick the officers. For this reason, it takes the alertness and foresight of its members in the field so that they are not easily fooled.

"I appreciate the Satresnarkoba team for the successful disclosure for the sake of disclosure," he said.

On a separate network, two dealers with the initials MF and HS were also arrested while making transactions on Jalan Ahmad Yani Km 9, Kertak Hanyar, Banjar Regency.

The police confiscated evidence of 680.48 grams of crystal methamphetamine from the two perpetrators who claimed to receive Rp. 10 million in wages to deliver the illicit goods to the customer.

"So these two suspects whose role is usually called a horse delivering orders every time there is an order from the dealer. Now we are still chasing the network, which disappeared after knowing there was an arrest," explained Sabana.

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