MEKKAH - A hajj candidate on behalf of Bawuk Binti Karso (58), from Lamongan Regency, East Java who joined the Surabaya Embarkation (SUB 4), died while being treated at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) Medina, Saudi Arabia.

"The patient died because he had a heart disease. Chronologically, the patient was brought to KKHI by his husband and the group leader. Then we checked his condition. Initially, the patient felt short of breath," said a cardiologist at KKHI Madinah, Dr. Muhaimin Manizu Hawi, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 13.

Muhaimin said the patient had heart disease and from the medical records it was known that the patient died of a heavy heart rhythm.

After further examination with special treatment, provisional diagnosis, the patient also had a history of lung disease. At that time, the patient's condition began to deteriorate. Because a new patient came from a pilgrimage.

"Obviously because you're tired or tired," added Muhaimin.

The patient was then further examined in the emergency room for about an hour and the patient's condition was stable again. Next, the team of doctors observed the patient's condition for eight hours.

"Alhamdulillah, the patient's condition improved. Then it was decided to move to the usual room. No longer in the emergency room. On the second day, after the morning prayer, the patient's condition was stable and conscious. Had time to eat. However, suddenly at 08.30 WAS, the patient did not wake up," said Muhaimin.

The team of doctors immediately handled and checked the patient's condition for about an hour, but at 09.45 WAS the patient could not be helped and was declared dead.

The late Bawuk Binti Karso, left for the Holy Land with her husband.

Up to nine operational days of Hajj 1443H/2022M, three Indonesian Hajj candidates died in Medina, namely Suhati Rahmat Ali Binti H. Rahmat from the Jakarta-Pondok Gede Embarkation (JKG) who died upon arrival at Medina Airport and Bangun Lubis Wahid from the Padang Embarkation (PDG4). died after praying at the Prophet's Mosque.

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