Viral Photo Of Komodo Dealing With Material Trucks On Rinca Island, NTT, This Is Explained By The Ministry Of Environment And Forestry
Photo: kawanbaikkomodo via Instagram

JAKARTA - Photos of dragons face to face with material trucks on Rinca Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) go viral on social media. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KHLK) gave an explanation.

Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDAE) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Wiratno explained that Rinca Island has an area of 200 km2 (20,000 Ha), while the area of the Loh Buaya Valley is 5 km2 (500 Ha / 2.5% of the area of Rinca Island).

Meanwhile, the estimated population of dragons on Rinca Island in 2019 is estimated at 1300. Meanwhile, the population of Komodo dragons in the Loh Buaya Valley is 5% of the population on Rinca Island or around 66 individuals.

The Komodo dragon population in the Loh Buaya Valley for the last 17 years has been relatively stable with a slight increase in the last 5 years.

"The number of Komodo dragons that often roam around the area of construction of facilities and infrastructure in Loh Buaya is estimated to be less than 15 and these dragons have sunbathing behavior every morning," said Wiratno in a written statement, Sunday, October 25.

According to him, tourism development activities so far have little influence on the behavior of Komodo dragons, among others, dragons are bolder and avoid humans. However, it does not affect the survival rate / level of survival (Ardiantiono et al 2018).

Wiratno continued, this can be proven by the population trend that remains stable at the Loh Buaya tourist location. That is, if it is properly controlled and minimizes animal contact, then tourism activities at current conditions are considered not to endanger the Komodo dragon population of the tourist area.

"During the pandemic, visitors to Rinca Island were ± 150 people per month or 10-15 people per day. In the construction of facilities and infrastructure, protocols have been implemented to prevent the negative impact of the construction of these facilities and infrastructure on Komodo dragons which are supervised by 5 - 10 rangers, "he continued.

Every time a construction activity is carried out, the Komodo National Park ranger who is on duty in the Loh Buaya Valley will check the whereabouts of the Komodo dragons including under buildings, former buildings and classified as trucks carrying materials.

To date, 30 percent of the development stages have been completed, which is planned to be completed in June 2021, both facilities and infrastructure on Rinca Island and construction on a new pier. If necessary, the visit to Loh Buaya will be closed until the construction of the facilities and infrastructure is completed.

"In relation to the photos spread on social media, it can be explained that the activities of transporting construction materials using heavy equipment are carried out because it is not possible to use human labor. The use of heavy equipment, such as trucks, excavators and others, has been carried out with prudence principles. The facilities that are being built are almost above the previously constructed areas, such as the office building of the national park hall, "said Wiratno.

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