PALEMBANG - The City Government of Palembang, South Sumatra, will soon operate modern city transportation (angkot) given the first phase from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) in July 2022.

"God willing, in early July, 29 modern angkot or New Oplet will be operated effectively," said the Mayor of Palembang Harnojoyo after the launch of the LRT Feeder program for the National Movement to Return to Public Transport (GNKAU) at Griya Agung Palembang with the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi. and the Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru, as reported by Antara, Saturday, June 11.

He explained, as many as 29 units of modern angkot cars were the first of the 200 units targeted by the Ministry of Transportation to support public transportation services for the people in the city of Palembang.

Each angkot that has been received crosses two operating routes, namely Jalan Talang Kelapa – Talang Bad via Hajj Dormitory (20.4 kilometers) with 11 units of angkot cars and as many as 18 other units the route of Hajj Dormitory – Sematang Borang via Col. Haji Burlian (40.2 kilometers).

The two operating routes were chosen because they are areas that have not been reached by other public transportation such as the fast train (Light Rail Transit) and the Trans Musi Rapid Transit Bus (BRT) because the distance is quite far.

"So people on the two routes can be closer to taking the LRT and BRT fast trains, after they are integrated with each other later," he said.

In addition to improving services to the community, he said, with the existence of modern angkot, it is hoped that congestion points on the highway by the use of private vehicles can be reduced and free Palembang from air pollution.

"The Palembang City Government would like to thank you, seeing that it is certainly very useful, what's more, the public can use it for free until December 2022," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Road Traffic at the Ministry of Transportation Suharto added that what is meant by modern angkot is because the car has been facilitated with air conditioning (AC), surveillance cameras, GPS and non-cash payment instruments (tap-cash).

With these representative and economical facilities, according to him, the modern angkot car is prepared to replace all conventional angkot vehicles in Palembang.

"Until December 2022 it is free, then the normal tariff is Rp. 3,000-Rp. 4,000, all non-cash (tap-cash). Not only passengers but angkot operators also get convenience, they are given a salary above the Palembang City UMR per month and get health and employment insurance, currently there are 62 people employed," he said.

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