BOGOR - The Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) of Bogor Regency, West Java, has confirmed that two tofu factories that use formalin in Waru Village and Waru Kaum Village, Parung District, do not have permits.

"For buildings that do not have a permit, this will be reported to the regent because it is dangerous for the community," said Head of Bogor Regency DPMPTSP Dace Supriadi while accompanying the Head of the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny K Lukito and representatives from the West Java Police at the tofu factory. which is located in Waru Kaum Village, quoted from Antara, Friday, June 10.

According to him, apart from not having a building permit (IMB), the two factories with a production capacity of 120 million tofu per month also do not have a Home Industry Food Permit (PIRT) from the local Health Service.

Dace said both of them only had a Trading Business Permit (SIUP) which was used for the purpose of distributing products to various markets in several regions.

"This tofu production is based on data at the agency concerned that has a trade permit since March 9, 2019," said Dace.

He and other agencies will coordinate to seal the two tofu factories on Monday, June 13, 2022, even though since Saturday afternoon tofu production activities have been forcibly stopped by BPOM.

Previously, the Head of BPOM RI Penny K Lukito said that his party had found 38 kilograms of powdered formaldehyde and 60 kilograms of liquid formaldehyde from two tofu factories located in Parung District, Bogor.

According to him, BPOM together with the Police also confiscated about 1,500 years which were ready to be distributed to three markets in various regions, namely Ciputat Market, Parung Market, and Jembatan Dua Market in Jakarta.

Penny said, as an initial sanction, the two factories were closed so that there was no tofu production activity. Then, the two owners with the initials S (35) and N (45) were immediately identified as suspects.

"Based on the food law, the sanction is five years in prison or a fine of Rp. 10 billion, because this uses hazardous materials for food," he said.

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