BATURAJA - Community activities in Baturaja City, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra were almost completely paralyzed because the main roads, especially in areas affected by the flood, were submerged in water with a height of 3 meters. work and school because almost all roads are still flooded with up to 3 meters of water," said Edi, a flood victim from Sukajadi Village, East Baturaja District, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) in Baturaja, Friday, June 10. According to him, the natural disaster also damaged household furniture belonging to residents, and was almost washed away by the flood. "However, in this disaster none of our residents died because they were alerted to flooding from an early age," he said, quoted by Antara. others are still struggling to save property and clean up the mud carried by the flood in the house Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of OKU Regency, Amzar Kristopa explained, in the flood disaster due to the high intensity of rainfall that occurred on Thursday (9/6) night it was recorded that 1,022 houses were flooded. Thousands of houses were affected. The flood was spread in East Baturaja District covering Tanjung Baru Village, Air Paoh Village, Sukaraya, Sekarjaya, Kemalaraja, Sukajadi and Baturaja Permai Villages.

"Then in Baturaja Barat Subdistrict there are 50 houses in Talang Jawa Village that were affected by the flood, including the KUA Office," he said. In this regard, his party has dispatched personnel to evacuate flood victims so as not to cause casualties. The OKU BPBD is also assisted by the TNI and Polri in lowering equipment It is difficult to help residents clean up the remaining flood material so that community activities return to normal. "Even though the flood has receded, people are still asked to be vigilant in anticipating further flooding," he said.

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