JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bangka Belitung Islands Province issued an early warning of potential extreme rain that will occur in the next three days. This is to increase community awareness on the tin-producing island.

"We urge the public to be aware of moderate to heavy rains accompanied by strong winds, lightning and lightning, because they can cause various disasters that endanger their lives," said Head of the Babel Islands Province BPBD, Mikron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, as reported by Antara, Friday, October 23.

He said based on the BMKG Pangkalpinang weather forecast, for the next three days from 23 to 25 October 2020 the Bangka Belitung region has the potential for moderate to heavy rain accompanied by strong winds, lightning and lightning so that it can cause flooding, tornadoes, landslides, lightning strikes and others. .

"Today, extreme rain is expected to occur in the morning, afternoon in the City of West Bangka Regency, Central Bangka, South Bangka and its surroundings," he said.

Meanwhile, moderate to heavy rain accompanied by strong winds, lightning and lightning on Saturday, October 24 will occur in the morning and afternoon in Belitung and East Belitung Regencies. Weather forecast for Sunday, October 25th, it is estimated that extreme weather will occur in the morning until noon in West Bangka, South Bangka and Belitung Regencies.

"We have alerted a rapid reaction team to anticipate and deal with natural disasters caused by this extreme weather," he said.

He appealed to the public not to drive when it rains, to avoid open places so as not to be struck by lightning and not to take shelter under trees to prevent trees from falling due to strong winds.

"Alhamdulillah, at this time we have not received reports of natural disasters and it is hoped that they will not happen, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

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