KALTENG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South Barito Regency revealed that a number of villages in the local area were still inundated by floods, even four villages in Dusun Hilir District were in severe condition.

"The four villages are Sungai Jaya Village, Mahajandau, Batilap and Batampang Village," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the South Barito BPBD Suwono in Buntok, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan), quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 8.

Based on reports from the field, the highest water conditions are in Sungai Jaya Village, reaching 130 centimeters. The flooding that hit a number of villages in South Barito has occurred since May 26, 2022.

Meanwhile, the number of villages that are still inundated by floods in South Barito to date has reached 36 villages, located in four sub-districts.

The details of the 36 villages are in Dusun Utara District consisting of eight villages, Dusun Selatan District 11 villages, Karau Kuala District 11 villages, Dusun Hilir District four villages.

"Flood conditions for three sub-districts have decreased, only in Dusun Hilir District, especially in four villages, namely Mahajandau, Batilap and Batampang, where the water level still reaches one meter, while in Sungai Jaya Village it reaches 130 cm," he said.

The duration of the flood hit several villages in the Dusun Hilir sub-district, due to its geographical position in the confluence of two major rivers, namely the Barito River and the Kapuas River.

"So there is a confluence area between the Barito River and the Kapuas River, so that when the water discharge of one river rises, flooding immediately occurs. Especially if the water discharge of the two rivers rises. Therefore, flooding can also occur in that village within a period of months. ," he said.

Suwono said that until now the South Barito BPBD and related parties continue to carry out intensive monitoring of the development of the flooding that occurred.

"We from BPBD continue to be on standby to monitor developments from time to time, including the readiness of personnel and disaster management equipment," he said.

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