JAKARTA - Chairman of the Legislative Body (Baleg) DPR RI Supratman Andi Agtas admitted that there was one missing article in the Job Creation Law which was again changed to 1,187 pages, namely Article 46 concerning the Regulatory Body for the Distribution of Oil and Gas.

The change in this page was initially recognized by the government when it submitted the text of the Job Creation Law to the Muhammadiyah Central Board (PP) which was 1,187 pages thick. In fact, previously the DPR submitted an 812-page text to the government.

"Regarding Article 46 which underwent corrections, it is true. So, incidentally the State Secretariat found it, it should have been deleted," said Supratman when confirmed, Thursday, October 22.

Supratman said, in the discussion of the Job Creation Law before it was passed, the government wanted a transfer of toll fee authority from BPH Migas to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

This was stated at the DPR RI Working Committee meeting. However, Panja did not accept the proposal. For some reason, the DPR RI Legislation Body failed to change the government's proposal contained in Article 46.

"But in the written manuscript that we sent to the State Secretariat, it turns out that there are still paragraphs 1-4. Because there is no change, the State Secretariat clarifies it to Baleg," said Supratman.

That is why Article 46 was deleted in the Job Creation Law which has now become 1,187 pages. "It should have been deleted, because it returns to the existing law, so it is not in the Job Creation Act," he said.

On a separate occasion, Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno also confirmed that the text of the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja was changing again. When submitted by the DPR, the manuscript, which numbered 812 pages, has now reached 1,187 pages or an increase of 375 pages.

According to him, the addition of this page occurred because of the different formats made by the State Secretariat Ministry (Kemensetneg). As a result of this change in format, the number of pages of the law text was then increased.

"The same manuscript, which is formatted on a different paper size, with different margins and different fonts will produce a different number of pages," said Pratikno.

"Every law that will be signed by the president is done in the president's paper format with a standard size," he added.

It is known, there is indeed a change in the format in the manuscript of the Job Creation Law which again has a change in the number of pages. The 1,187-page Job Creation Law manuscript looks tidier than the 812-page manuscript.

However, there is one article missing from the text of the 812-page Job Creation Law with 1,187 pages of manuscript. The missing article is Article 46 concerning Oil and Gas.

Article 46:

(1) Supervision of the implementation of supply and distribution of Oil Fuel and Transportation of Natural Gas by pipe is carried out by the Regulating Agency as referred to in Article 8 paragraph (4).

(2) The function of the Regulatory Body as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be to make arrangements so that the availability and distribution of Oil and Gas Fuel as stipulated by the Central Government can be guaranteed throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as well as to increase domestic use of Natural Gas.

(3) The duties of the Regulatory Body as referred to in paragraph (1) include regulating and stipulating: a. availability and distribution of Oil Fuel; b. National Oil Fuel reserves; c. utilization of Oil Fuel Transportation and Storage facilities; d. tariff for transportation of Natural Gas by pipe; e. Natural Gas prices for households and small customers; danf. operation of Natural Gas transmission and distribution.

(4) The duties of the Regulatory Body as meant in paragraph (1) cover the supervisory duties in the fields as meant in paragraph (3).

Apart from the disappearance of Article 46, there are also changes to the chapter related to National Fiscal Policy relating to Taxes and Charges. In the 812 page manuscript, this is under Chapter VIA, and is inserted between Chapter VII and Chapter VIII.

However, in the 1,187 page manuscript, Chapter VIA is changed to Ban VIIA which is inserted between Chapter VII and Chapter VIII.

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