NDUGA - The Sam Air plane was fired upon by an armed criminal group at Kenyam Airport, Nduga, Papua. The Nduga Regency Government also apologized for the shooting incident on the plane.

This was conveyed by the expert staff of the Nduga regent, Djoni Karel Rumpaidus. He regretted shooting at the plane carrying basic necessities as it was about to park after landing at Kenyam Airport.

"Representing the Nduga Regency government, once again, I apologize profusely and regret the shooting down of the plane," said Djoni Karel, quoted from a written statement forwarded by Public Relations of the Papua Police, Tuesday, June 7.

The Nduga Regency Government also thanked the TNI/Polri who were alert to the shooting location of the Sam Air plane.

"We are grateful for the assistance of all parties, including the TNI and Polri, who were quick to secure the location," he continued.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papuan Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, previously said the plane was carrying basic necessities. KKB opened fire on the plane that was parked at Kenyam Airport.

“The chronology happened when the plane landed at Kenyam airport. When the plane died, the officers immediately opened the trunk door and the two pilots were still on the plane. Suddenly, from the direction of Alguru, the KKB fired at the plane on target at the pilot," said Kombes Kamal in a written statement, Tuesday, June 7.

Kamal explained, at 10.50 WIT, 15 shots were heard from the direction of Kenyam Airport, Nduga.

There are several parts of the plane that were hit by the shot, including the front tires of the plane, the fuel tank and two points on the fuselage.

"Hearing the shot, the joint TNI-Polri team immediately went to the TKP and secured the plot of M Farhan Fachri and co-pilot Reza Ariestha Ragainaga to the Nduga Police," continued Kombes Kamal.

There were no casualties in this attack. However, the Sam Air plane was unable to continue its flight due to damage to the plane's front tire and a leaking fuel tank due to being hit by gunfire.

"Currently, the Kenyam Airport has been controlled by the security forces, and has carried out security around Kenyam Airport," said Kombes Kamal.

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