JAKARTA - Former 1998 activist and PDI-P politician, Budiman Sudjatmiko, considered that there were differences in development styles between Soeharto during the New Order and Joko Widodo today.

This refutes the assumption that the ratification of the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Act during Jokowi's leadership was the same as the authoritarian style of the New Order.

Budiman said, development in the New Order era (Orba) made the people the object, then spurred infrastructure growth by comparing profits.

"Development during the New Order encouraged and explored comparative advantages, which in the end dredge natural resources and damaged the environment," said Budiman in a webinar discussion, Thursday, October 22.

When the authoritarian regime during the New Order regime frustrated infrastructure, it left human rights PR. This has resulted in the emergence of aspirations for justice, equality and freedom.

However, he did not explicitly mention the difference. However, the next government had to finish the homework.

"Finally, the post-99 democratic government until now has had to finish the homework which should have been completed by the authoritarian regime," said Budiman.

Furthermore, in the democratic regime in the era of Bj Habibie to Jokowi, the focus has been on maintaining growth, encouraging the creative economy, and maintaining the state budget for social programs.

"So, democratic civilian government is also forced to run the New Order government while carrying out social protections," he said.

However, Budi considered that the need for social protection had been resolved before Jokowi took office. Therefore, Jokowi only needs to focus on developing the country's progress. This is what prompted Jokowi to pass the Job Creation Act.

"The Omnibus Law is indeed aimed at talking about progress and debureaucratization. This law is expected to open pores of the bureaucracy that have been hindering for a long time, neglecting the licensing process, and the process of creating entrepreneurship," he added.

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