JAKARTA - The government of Saudi Arabia has imposed new provisions for pilgrims to enter Raudhah, a place inside the Prophet's Mosque, Medina, pilgrims must enter according to a predetermined schedule.

Raudhah is an area inside the Prophet's Mosque which is between the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad and the pulpit which is an efficacious place to pray.

"There is a new provision from Muassasah Adilla, that to enter Raudhah it must be based on the schedule we have determined," said Consul for Hajj at the Indonesian Consulate General Nasrullah Jasam in Jeddah, Tuesday, June 7, as quoted from the Media Center Haji. Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims. Based on the letter, admission to Raudhah must be according to a predetermined schedule.

According to Nasrullah, who is also the Deputy Chair of the Saudi Arabia Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH), the column for the proposed entry schedule for Raudhah is already available on e-haj. The scheduling was initially carried out by Muassasah Adilla, now by PPIH.

"We input the schedule in e-haj, an application developed by the Saudis," Nasrullah added.

Head of the Madinah Working Area (Daker) Amin Handoyo added that the schedules of male and female pilgrims are different. For female pilgrims, the schedule for entering Raudhah is from 07.00 to 08.00 Saudi Arabian Time (WAS).

"Female pilgrims enter Raudhah through gate number 24 or door of Usman bin Affan," Amin explained. As for male pilgrims, the schedule for entry is from 13.00 to 14.00 WAS from gate 37 or Bilal Bin Rabah door.

When going to Raudhah, Amin continued, the congregation showed a tasrih (permit) which contained a list of names that had been entered in the e-haj. The tasrih letter will be distributed to the congregation through the Head of the Sector, Head of the Group, Head of the Group and Team Leader.

The tasrih letter contains information about the number of pilgrims, time (date and time), entrance number, entrance gate number, as well as a list of names and passport numbers of pilgrims.

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