JAKARTA - Pilgrims who died in Saudi Arabia will be made a pilgrimage. This confirmation was conveyed by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization, Ahmad Abdullah.

"All pilgrims who die in Saudi Arabia will be made a pilgrimage," said Abdullah, his nickname, when giving a press statement at the Pondok Gede Hajj hostel, as quoted from the ministry's website, Monday, June 6.

This explanation was conveyed by Abdullah following the presence of an Indonesian pilgrim who died upon arrival in Medina. The congregation was named Suhati Rahmat Ali Binti H. Rahmat with Passport Number C6495065 and 64 years old. The deceased was a member of the first flight group (Kloter) for the Jakarta-Pondok Gede Embakasi (JKG1).

"Let's pray that the deceased dies in a state of humility and his worship is accepted by Allah swt. Amen," he hoped.

Press conferences at the Hajj hostel will be held regularly. The Ministry of Religion will explain updated data and conditions for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims, both those who are still in the country and those who are already in the Holy Land. It will also explain the data of Indonesian pilgrims who died.

"The government will only release data on deceased congregants whose COD (Certificate of dead) has been issued by the authorities," Abdullah said.

The Hajj 1443 H/2022 M coincided with the summer. According to Abdullah, the average weather conditions in Saudi Arabia today range from 30oC - 43oC with an average humidity of 8%. Pilgrims are advised not to do much outdoor activity considering the air temperature in Saudi Arabia is quite hot.

"We hope that Hajj pilgrims always apply health protocols, eat and drink on time and get enough rest," he ordered.

"Families of pilgrims in Indonesia are also expected to remind the pilgrims, both those who have left for Saudi Arabia and those who are still in the country," he said.

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