JAKARTA - The Banjarmasin Police deployed 1,500 joint personnel to secure a demonstration against the Job Creation Law which was carried out by workers in front of the DPRD South Kalimantan Building.

"We are ready to oversee demonstrations or demonstrations conducted by labor unions to convey their aspirations in front of the DPRD South Kalimantan Building," said Banjarmasin Police Chief Kombes Rachmat Hendrawan as quoted by Antara, Banjarmasin, Thursday, October 21.

He said the 1,500 joint personnel consisted of the TNI, Polri, Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), and the Banjarmasin City Transportation Agency.

"Security for the protesters is part of the police's duty to serve, protect and protect the community," he said.

Kapolresta Banjarmasin also said that during the demonstration the workers' union was estimated to be around 3,000 to 4,000 people.

"We deployed 1,500 joint personnel to secure the mass that held a demonstration of around 3,000 to 4,000 people regarding the rejection of the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja," he said.

His party will also always monitor when demonstrations take place so that no intruders can enter the ranks of the workers.

"We will closely monitor the demonstration of the workers so that there are no intruders and if someone throws them they are immediately secured and we ask whether they are from the labor union or not," he said.

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