JAKARTA - The Military Police Detachment of Kodam (Denpomdam) XVIII/Kasuari is investigating an individual member of the Indonesian Army who is suspected of being involved in a shooting incident that killed a 16-year-old youth in Prafi District, Manokwari Regency, West Papua, Saturday, June 4. Head of Information for Kodam (Kapendam) XVIII/Kasuari Colonel Hendra Pesireon, on Sunday, confirmed that following the shooting incident on Saturday night, an individual member of the Indonesian Army with the rank of Sergeant One (Sergeant) has been detained for questioning. Colonel Hendra Pesireon, quoting Antara, Sunday, June 5. As is known, the shooting incident that killed a 16-year-old youth on Saturday night occurred around 23.30 WIT. The shooting occurred during the celebration of the wedding party of the TNI AD member (the alleged perpetrator) with the rank of Sertu.

The Sector Police Chief (Kapolsek) Prafi Iptu Ignatius Hutauruk confirmed that there was a shooting incident at a wedding party in the jurisdiction of the Prafi Police.

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