JAKARTA— The idea of forming the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) was built to make politics in Indonesia free from identity politics. This statement came from the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, during the KIB National Gathering, in the Plataran City Forest, Senayan, Saturday, June 4.

Airlangga has even conveyed this to all cadres of the Golkar Party, PAN, and PPP down to the smallest sphere of village administration.

Airlangga stated that KIB was a combination of religious national parties. However, KIB is open to any party until the time of the declaration. He even stated that KIB would encourage candidates who could eliminate identity politics.

“First, the aim is to eliminate identity politics. So we are a religious national coalition, both traditional Muslims and modernist Muslims. So that's what will be encouraged and that's what made us sign the agreement. So that's clear," said Airlangga.

Airlangga's statement also emphasized the question of whether KIB would not provide a place for candidates who had used identity politics in elections.

KIB also realizes that to build a great nation, it cannot be done by only one group or individually. KIB seeks to erode the polarization and division in society due to the political dynamics that have occurred since a decade ago.

“Building a nation requires cooperation, synergy and collaboration. We take advantage of all the existing potential, we take advantage of all existing components of the nation," he said.

According to Airlangga, the purpose of the cooperation of the three political parties is to complement each other so that the development of the Indonesian nation can be carried out and Indonesia can become a great country.

The formation of the cooperation between the three parties also wants to increase electability ahead of the 2024 General Election.

Airlangga, who is also the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, emphasized that after the signing of the memorandum of understanding, the three political parties are currently equal in the KIB. The maneuvers and political movements of each member political party must be known by the three parties.

"So we are already a collegial collective, we meet anyone, as far as the three of us know," said Airlangga.

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