JAKARTA - The residents of Cendana Baru Hamlet, Sugihan Village, Bendosari District, Sukoharjo were shocked by the discovery of a burning car in which there was a woman named Yulia (42), from Wonogiri with her hands tied.
The excitement was getting worse because the victim Yulia was a relative of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The victim was buried at the funeral home in the Gambuhan area, Pasar Kliwon, Solo City.
The Sukoharjo Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still investigating this case. The police suspect that Yulia's case died from being murdered.
"We are still investigating and investigating the case where the victim was burned and died in the car at the scene of the incident (TKP) on Tuesday, October 20 at around 22.00 WIB," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sukoharjo Police, AKP Muhammad Alfan, interrupted by the scene of the incident. case (TKP) in Cendana Baru Village, Sugihan Village, Sukoharjo, reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 21.
According to the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, the police are currently examining a number of witnesses at the scene of the incident, and the victim's family to be able to uncover the case of the discovery of the corpse.
"The chronology of how this incident, the cause of death of the victim and the fire is still being investigated. Hopefully this case will quickly uncover," said Kasat.
Kasat explained that the incident started with the discovery of the body of a woman in a burning car at Dukuh Cendana Baru, Sugihan Village, Bendosari District, Sukoharjo Regency, on Tuesday, October 20, at around 22.00 WIB.
A number of residents passing through the scene of the case saw smoke coming from the silver Daihatsu car, after being approached it turned out that smoke came from a Daihatsu Xenia car nopol AD 1526 EA and the year made in 2010.
The witness came and knocked on a resident's house next to the scene, but it turned out that it was not the car belonging to a local resident. The witness and the residents then made an effort to extinguish the burning car, and contacted the Sukoharjo Damkar officers.
After the car was successfully extinguished, it turned out that in the back of the car there was a female victim in a burning condition. This incident, then reported to the Bendosari Police, officers came to the scene of the crime and did the crime scene at the scene.
The victim's body was then evacuated and brought to Dr. Moewardi Solo for an autopsy. The autopsy of the victim's body revealed the identity of the victim named Yulia (42), a resident of Selogiri Wonogiri, but she lives in Gambuhan RT 04 RW 02 Baluwarti Pasar Kliwon Solo.
Kasat said the cause of death of the victim was still being investigated because the body was still being carried out by an autopsy and the team was conducting an investigation. The victim when found was dead and suffered burns.
"We are still waiting for the results of the TKP processing at the scene of the incident by the Central Java Police Forensic Laboratory Team," he said.
Hananto Wibowo (50), a resident of Kampung Cendana Baru RT 4 RW 07, Sugihan Sukoharjo Village said he was when the incident was inside the house, and a resident suddenly knocked on the door, he said his car was on fire.
According to Hananto, he then left the house. It was not his car that caught fire. Self then approached and did not see anyone in the car.
"I immediately took the water hose to extinguish the fire from the burning car. I saw a fire in the back of my car trying to extinguish it, and it turned out that one victim had died," said Hananto.
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