JAKARTA - The Intelligence Team of the Attorney General's Office has captured the wanted list of people (DPO) Sunarko who was involved in the criminal act of corruption in the construction of the Moa Tiakur Airport runway in the 2012 APBD of Southwest Maluku Regency, Maluku Province.

Reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 21, Sunarta's Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence, through a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 20, said that the arrest of Sunarko involved officers from the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) and the Pekanbaru District Attorney (Kejari).

Joint AGO officers arrested the 70-year-old man as Director of PT Bima Prima Taruna at Asnof Hotel Room 208 Pekanbaru, Jalan Tuanku Tambusai Tengkerang Bar, Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province.

The arrest of Sunarko is based on the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 903 K / PID.SUS / 2019 dated 23 May 2019 as well as the Order for Implementation of Court Decisions (P-48) Head of the Tual District Attorney Number: Print-126 / Q.1.12 / Fuh.3 / 04/2020 dated 21 April 2020.

The implementation of the Supreme Court Decision was related to the criminal act of corruption in the construction of the Moa Tiakur Airport runway in the Regional Budget of Southwest Maluku Regency for the 2012 Fiscal Year worth IDR 19 billion with a loss of IDR 3.1 billion.

The Panel of Judges for Corruption in Ambon, chaired by Jimmy Wally, accompanied by Ronny Felix Wuisan and Hery Leliantono as member judges, sentenced Sunarko to four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, a subsidiary of two months in prison.

Another defendant, Paulus Miru, a former Kadishub of Southwest Maluku Regency, was sentenced to 1.5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 50 million, a subsidiary of two months in prison.

The panel of judges also sentenced him to four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, a subsidiary of two months in prison, paid Rp. 241 million in compensation, and confiscated property to cover losses of state money against Nicolas Paulus, a consultant to supervise the airport construction.

The judge sentenced the defendant John Tangkuman who was a former Kadishub of Southwest Maluku who was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, a subsidiary of two months in prison, but was not sentenced to pay compensation.

Initially, this case was handled by a team of investigating prosecutors from the Attorney General's Office since the end of 2016, then transferred to the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office in April 2017.

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