KALIMANTAN - The Special Crime Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of West Kalimantan Police and the police in their ranks revealed the misuse of subsidized diesel fuel which cost the state around IDR 10 billion.

"This disclosure from January to May 2022, namely as many as 19 police reports and TKP (cases of crime) throughout the West Kalimantan region. A total of two cases have been P-21 and 17 cases are in the process of being investigated," said Head of Sub-Directorate 4 of Special Crime Investigation Directorate, Commissioner Yasir Ahmadi in Pontianak, Wednesday, June 1st.

He explained that from 19 crime scenes his party arrested 24 people whose status has now been upgraded to suspects.

"Of the 24 suspects, five suspects were arrested by the Special Crime Investigation Directorate of West Kalimantan Police, while 19 suspects were arrested by the Ditpolair and Ranger Police," he said.

The evidence that was confiscated was 54,180 liters of diesel fuel, then one motorboat, five trucks, 20 other vehicles used as a means of transportation, as well as other evidence in the form of pumps, jerry cans, drums, cellphones, and others.

The suspects are threatened with Article 55 of Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas as amended in Article 55 of Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

"We urge the public to immediately report if they see that there are still individuals or speculators who are still buying diesel fuel, then to be accommodated and resold, so that the legal process is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.

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