SEMARANG - Deputy Chair of the DPRD of Central Java Province, Sukirman, encouraged improvements to repair uninhabitable houses (RTLH) in coastal areas affected by the tidal flood as an effort to reduce poverty.

"RTLH in disaster areas needs to be encouraged to be improved. It is very important," said Sukirman in Semarang, Tuesday, May 31.

The politician from the National Awakening Party hopes that there will be a further RTLH program for residents affected by the rob whose buildings cannot be saved, namely by providing land that is clean from rob.

The land, he continued, could be the people themselves who were looking for it or the government could be looking for it.

"How will it be done later? It's just a matter of building houses in areas free from rob," he said. Sukirman assessed that the RTLH program affected by the tidal flood in a number of areas was quite good, such as in Krapyak District, Pekalongan City.

"In the beginning, there were no houses at all, houses have been built. However, during construction it is still in areas affected by the tidal wave, so their houses are still flooded," he said.

He expressed concern about the condition of the tidal wave in Pekalongan and other coasts of Central Java. Moreover, naturally BMKG still predicts until June, even until July 2022 there will be rob.

The Central Java Provincial Government, he said, would increase the village government's financial assistance fund (bankeupemdes) from the 2022 provincial budget to improve the quality of RTLH improvements.

Next year, the bankeupemdes for RTLH improvements from the provincial budget, continued Sukirman, is planned to increase from Rp12 million per unit to Rp17 million/house unit to further improve the quality of the repaired houses.

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