VIDEO: Viral Motorbike Convoy 'Welcoming The Awakening Of The Caliphate', This Is What Residents Say
VIDEO: Viral Motorbike Convoy 'Welcoming the Awakening of the Caliphate', This is What Residents Say. (VOI Video graphics team)

JAKARTA - This is the action of a number of motorcyclists who wrote their support for the establishment of the caliphate. The video of the Khilafah convoy went viral on social media. The majority of riders wear green clothes, unfurl white flags and support the caliphate on Sunday (29/5) yesterday morning. In addition to the convoy, the caliphate group stopped at the PGC Cililitan traffic light to distribute leaflets to motorcyclists and local residents. The leaflets that the convoy participants gave to the residents were an invitation to follow for their teachings. Local residents who received leaflets when met by reporters at the location, Tuesday (31/5) confirmed the existence of a caliphate convoy carrying Arabic flags. Watch the video below.

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