JAKARTA - The masses of the Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) still survive in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat towards Jalan MH Thamrin. However, an unknown mass tried to get close to the demonstration against the Job Creation Law.

At around 16.25 WIB, orators from BEM SI were still giving speeches from the top of the command car they were carrying. However, previously around 16.00 WIB or while they were resting, there were a number of unidentified mobs approaching them. The masses were mostly teenagers and wore casual clothes without university attributes.

Seeing the large number of unidentified masses, the students, who had been resting while sitting and not making the posse back up, got ready.

BEM SI coordinator Remy Hastian then rose to command. He then asked his friends to close the ranks and make a posse.

"Come on, our friends, we will close the ranks again. We will create more borders," said Remy from the top of the command car in the Arjuna Wiwaha Statue area, Tuesday, October 20.

The students then stood up and began to line up. "Be careful of provocation," said an orator in continuation of Remy's statement.

In the latest condition, students from BEM SI had sung a number of songs, one of which was the Tani Tani. However, at around 16.30 WIB they then dispersed.

Even so, from the direction of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue towards the State Palace, there were other demonstrators from the Islamic Student Association (HMI) who demanded the same thing as the previous demonstrators, namely rejecting the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja.

Previously, BEM SI urged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to make a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) to revoke the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law.

They even threatened to make even bigger demonstrations to create national tension, if President Jokowi remained unfazed from the demands of the people.

"If we cannot do this within 8x24 hours, we will ensure that a large student movement creates national precedence right on Youth Pledge Day," said BEM SI Coordinator Remy Hastian.

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