JAKARTA - There is a lot of news about the search for the son of Governor Ridwan Kamil Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or familiarly called Eril who went missing in the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland.

The chairman of the Press Council, Azyumardi Azra, reminded the mass media about reporting on humanitarian events.

The Press Council, as an institution in charge of supervising the implementation of the Journalistic Code of Ethics, and ensuring that the press carries out its duties, roles and functions in producing news that is responsible and with integrity, issues its appeals.

“In recent days, the press in Indonesia has been shocked by the news about the disappearance of the eldest son of Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java), Emmeril Khan Mumtadz or Eril, who was carried away by the current in the AaRe river, Switzerland. The Press Council understands that the press is tasked with seeking information, reporting properly and correctly in accordance with the Journalistic Code of Ethics," said Azyumardi in a written statement, Monday, May 30.

However, the mass media are reminded to work according to the code of ethics and to publish reports with full responsibility and have a positive impact on the public.

"In addition, media from various platforms should not make news related to predictions or predictions related to an event of a humanitarian tragedy," said Azyumardi.

Press institutions are asked by the Press Council to present journalistic works that have a positive impact on humanity, according to the code of ethics and not to glorify, which will make every family of the victim of a humanitarian tragedy feel depressed and feel guilty.

"The Press Council also invites all editorial staff on all media platforms to jointly promote empathetic journalism and of course, stick to the Journalistic Code of Ethics," said Azyumardi.

Rara's predictions make noise

The action of Rara Istiani Wulandari or the friend who is called Mbak as a rain handler at the Mandalika 2022 MotoGP event received a positive response. But not when predicting the disappearance of Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz alias Eril.

Eril, son of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil is reported missing in Switzerland. Rara then gave a prediction that Eril would be found in the morning with the condition dead.

Not only that, Rara also made a new prediction stating that Eril was carried away by the river current and found in the Aare River. The discovery of Eril was marked by torn pants. Rara admitted that her prediction was based on tarot card predictions.

According to Eko, Rara has no sympathy. He asked Rara to be wiser in her attitude considering what she predicted had an impact on the psychological condition of Ridwan Kamil's family or relatives.

"Just keep your tarot cards. Don't add to your family's sadness," said Eko.

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