BOGOR - A total of 852,060 residents of Bogor Regency, West Java, have not yet registered to become participants in the National Health Insurance (JKN). This figure is based on the latest Cibinong branch Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) data.

"Last year, there were 900 thousand people (who were not registered) or 17 percent. There was a decrease of around one percent," said the Head of the Participant and Participant Services (KPP) BPJS Kesehatan Cibinong branch, Betty Parapat, in the "Collect Recent Programs (Ngopi) activity. JKN" in Bogor, quoted from Antara, Monday, May 30.

Now, the number of residents of Bogor Regency who have not become JKN participants is 852,060 people or 15.99 percent of the total population of 5.3 million people. Meanwhile, there are 4.47 million people who have become JKN participants or 84.01 percent of the total population.

Betty said the number of JKN participants in Bogor Regency is still below the national average, as many as 86 percent of the population in Indonesia are registered as JKN participants. According to him, Bogor Regency has obstacles in the form of a large area and the largest population in Indonesia at the city/district level.

"We are waiting for the data that has been verified by the Regional Government, then those who have not been registered can become participants in the JKN for Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI)," said Betty.

On that occasion, he explained that his party is now continuing to innovate to make it easier for participants to receive JKN services, one of which is the BPJS Ready to Help (One) officer program in hospitals.

"If JKN-KIS participants seeking treatment at a hospital need information related to the JKN-KIS Program service or even submit complaints about services received during treatment, they can be submitted to BPJS One officers," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the BPJS Kesehatan Branch's Financial Collection Division, Dian Sri Rahayu, said that another new program is the Phased Payment Plan (rehab). Independent participants who are more than three months in arrears in payment of contributions can take advantage of the program.

"Program registration can be done through the Mobile JKN application or Care Center 165, so that participants can plan payments in stages or installments according to their ability to pay," he concluded.

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