JAKARTA - The National Police explained that the rioters' plan to create chaos in the middle of a demonstration against the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law.
Planning for chaos begins by inviting or inviting all Mechanical Engineering School (STM) students to join groups on social media.
"This admin posted on Facebook inviting STM or vocational school friends in Jabodetabek for a demonstration on October 8 to 13 at the Palace and DPR-RI," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Tuesday, October 20.
According to Argo, there are three admins in the group. Two of them have been arrested, namely, MI (previously written as MLAI) and WH. The rest are still in hot pursuit.
In the group, the suspects uploaded photos, videos and narratives asking their members to act anarchically during demonstrations. Of course the goal is to create chaos.
"Then what is the call, the invitation, the objective of the demo must be chaotic and chaotic," he said.
Later, group members who want to make a scene will join the group on the Whatsapp short message application called STM in Jabodetabek.
In the group, the suspects asked their colleagues to bring various tools that were useful when the riots occurred. Starting from tools to protect themselves to those intended against officers.
"For example, there are masks, helmets and umbrellas, then fresh school clothes and copy clothes, one set for Copy, useful for disguises. There are food supplies, it is also available for combat equipment, there are firecrackers, Molotov, flashlights, used tires are all here, "said Argo.
According to Argo, from this WhatsApp group the rioters planned their action. But it is not certain what was discussed in the group because the suspects had deleted it.
"Of course this is still included in the laboratory, because this WAG has been deleted, we will look for it later, we will send it to the laboratory, so that we can detect data, about who is the group, the names in the WAG," he said.
Check out our live tweet demo below
12:44 WIB - Today, a series of demonstrations against the Omnibus Law on Job Creation began again from different circles of society every day. Like the current situation at the Horse Statue, the masses have also begun to arrive. (Doc. Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI) pic.twitter.com/97FBxXIMHR
- voi.id (@voidotid) October 20, 2020
Previously, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus said that his party had arrested three suspects for spreading hate speech and incitement behind the rioting of demonstrations against the Work Creation Act. Those arrested with the initials MLAI (16), WH (16), and SN (17).
MLAI and WH were secured by officers because they acted as administrators of the Facebook group "STM All Jabodetabek" which incited students to riot during a demonstration.
The STM Facebook group in Jabodetabek is known to have around 20,000 members.
Meanwhile, the third youth, with the initials SN, was secured to have the role of admin on the Instagram account @ Panjang. Age of resistance which contained incitement and provocative content for students to create riots.
"Indeed they have invited them to riot, he was a provocation, he appeared all the videos, all to take to the streets, all to do damage or riot," said Yusri.
As a result of their actions, the suspects were charged under Article 160 KUHP and / or Article 170 KUHP and or Article 214 KUHP and / or Article 211 KUHP and / or Article 212 KUHP and / or Article 216 KUHP and or Article 218 KUHP and / or Article 358 KUHP Jo Articles 55, 56 KUHP, Article 28 paragraph (2) in conjunction with article 45 of Law number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions (ITE).
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